Friday, June 26, 2009

Body Part Illustrations (dibuangsayang)

- Jojo's -

- Mike -

- Ryan -

- Yesa -

- Ira -

- Hasna -

- Gavin -

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pantuns of 7th Grader 2008/2009 (dibuangsayang)

Jalan-jalan ke pasar baru
jangan lupa beli sepatu baru
mentang-mentang anak Pak guru
janganlah suka belagu!

Ada lima ayam jago berkokok
Mati satu tinggal empat
jangan suka merokok
merokok itu tidak sehat!

Jalan-jalan ke kantor
jauh sekali tempatnya
jangan kamu bicara kotor
nanti kamu rasakan akibatnya!

Akar serabut
pohon jengkol
Awas ngebut
nanti benjol!

Buah semangka
baru dipetik
nggak nyangka
aku cantik!

Burung perkutut
burung kutilang
Orang kentut
nggak bilang-bilang!

Minyak kelapa dibuat ibu
minyak tanah ditumpahkan
kalau dapat kawan baru
kawan lama jangan ditinggalkan!

Jalan-jalan sore di pematang
di tengah jalan bertemu bidan
bila malam jangan begadang
karena dapat merusak badan!

Jalan-jalan ke siantar
jangan lupa beli buah kedondong
jika kamu ingin pintar
belajar doooong!

Jalan-jalan ke pasar
jangan lupa beli kedondong
jadi anak harus pintar
jika ada ulangan tidak hanya bengong!

jalan di dufan lihat badut
suasana panas jadi haus
tak apa jadi gendut
yang penting otak jalan terus!

Mau buah carilah pepaya
karena pepaya enak rasanya
untuk apa kita kaya raya
kalau harta tiada guna!

ke apotik membeli obat
belilah obat berkhasiat
percuma saja kita berdebat
kalau tiada manfaat!

Buaya ada di paya-paya
di sawah tempatnya kodok
buat apa banyak gaya
kalau IQ-nya jongkok!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine Edition : Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?

We celebrate Valentine's Day, because until 1969, it was one of the many Saint's Days observed by the Catholic Church. It was dedicated to the patron saint of romantic causes, St. Valentine.

Although it was removed from the Church's calendar in 1969, the religious meaning coupled with Valentine's Day's roots in Roman paganism have allowed it to continue as a holiday for everyone.

Early Christians saw Valentine's Day as a way to honor St. Valentine, of whom there were actually three. The Catholic Church recognizes three saints by that name, all who were martyred on February 14.

The St. Valentine the day is named for was, most likely, a priest in the 3rd century who performed secret marriages when the Roman Emperor Claudius II thought single soldiers were more likely to enlist in the army. That St. Valentine was imprisoned and executed on February 4, 270. It is believed he was responsible for giving the jailer's blind daughter back her eyesight, and before his execution, he sent herss a note saying, "From your Valentine." The phrase is still widely used on valentines today.

It wasn't until 1537 that St. Valentine's day was declared an official holiday. England's King Henry VIII, known for his ways of disposing of wives, declared February 14th a holiday. It was another century and a half before religious devotional cards became non-religious cards to reflect the change in the holiday.

In 496 A.D., February 14, was declared in the name of St. Valentine by Pope Gelasius. It remained a Church holiday until 1969, when Pope Paul VI took it from the calender.

On February 14, the ancient Romans celebrated the Feast of Lupercalia in honor of Juno, the queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. Juno was also the goddess of womesn and marriage so honoring her was thought to be a fertility rite.

At the feast held the next day, the women would write love letters and stick them in a large urn. The men would pick a letter from the urn and for the next year, pursue the woman who wrote the chosen letter. This custom lasted until the 1700s when people decided their beloveds should be chosen by sight, not luck.

written by : Ira
Photo by : Jojo

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Edition : Single Girl Survival Guide

Single Girls Valentine's Survival Guide - How To Have Fun On February 14th Without A Date!

Are your feeling low at the prospect of spending Valentines day alone? Does it seem that all your friends and family are coupled up and romance is passing you by this year?
Do not despair, be positive and follow our advice for a great day!

Firstly, remember, no date is infinitely better than the wrong date. Sitting in a restaurant with someone when you have nothing to talk about and you cannot wait to get home is miserable - especially on Valentines Day when there is so much pressure to be romantic. An evening spent wondering if you can escape through the window in the loo really is a waste of your time and effort!

Being single on Valentines Day may prove a turning point. It is the ideal opportunity to take stock of what you are looking for. Take the time to have a think about who you are and where you want to be in life. It may be that being single for a while will give you the chance you have always wanted to travel the world or fulfil your lifes ambitions.

If you are looking to date, make sure you are ready. Learn from the past and let it go. Spend some time focussing on who you are and what is special about you. Have a long think about what you are seeking in your perfect partner - and what you want to avoid!

And then, make sure you have fun. Try going out for dinner with a couple of close friends or family members. You will almost certainly be the ones having most fun in a restaurant of couples!

If going out is not possible, invite a girlfriend or two over for a pizza and popcorn and watch a romantic chick flick on DVD. Enjoying a fictitious happy ever after really can lift the spirits.

Alternatively (and you may want to keep this quiet!) if you are on your own, get a DVD starring your secret crush and prepare a romantic dinner for two. You get to feast your eyes on George, Jonny or Brad as well as eating two guilt free portions of pudding AND not having to share the wine.

If none of these ideas are for you, now is the time to be virtuous. Valentines Day is commercialized and environmentally damaging. Think of all the trees sacrificed to make cards that are just thrown away the next day. And as for the distances covered by all those red roses, does anyone even consider the carbon footprint!

Created by : Ira
Picture : Ira

Valentine Edition : Single Girls Survival Guide

What Girls Want on Valentine's Day and How to Give it to Them - You'll Be Surprised

What gifts do they really want? Just like in the movie "What women want", most women want much more than flowers and chocolates, they want a connection. They want to feel a connection between the one they love and who loves them. It's all about love rather than things.

How do I give her what she wants? This is where most guys get lost. It's not about the actual gift at all. No, it's not about how much money you spend or what card you buy, it's more about what you give of yourself. It's the effort you put into the gift that counts. Anyone can buy a bunch of flowers but not everyone will know her favorite song or her favorite place or color.

Use what you know about your Valentine to create a gift that includes one or more of her favorite things Go to her favorite place and spend the day, make her favorite drink for her or her favorite meal. Things that relate to the person receiving the gift are a lot more appreciated.

Here are some Valentine's Day ideas that will be sure to please and are vertically no cost gifts

Buy a card or better yet, make a card (doesn't have to be a masterpiece) and write at least 10 reasons why you love your Valentine. If you're not good at writing, go to the library and copy out a poem. She'll love that you have gone to so much trouble.

Whatever you do, make sure your Valentine understands how much they mean to you and you will both have a great day in addition to enhancing your relationship.
